Global Growth of Beverage Cans

This rising adoption of the aluminum can is attributable to several factors, including the format’s sustainability credentials and convenience, an increase in off-premise consumption as well as consumer demand for new beverage options (e.g., energy drinks, seltzers, and craft beers) where cans are the preferred package. We remain confident in the future of the format, with all signs pointing toward greater traction. This includes prominent beverage brands building new facilities to significantly grow can-filling capacity, the rise in e-commerce and direct-to-consumer retail, increasing incomes and young populations supporting consumption trends and further expansion opportunities in beverage categories like energy drinks, wine and liquor/cocktails.
The inherent characteristics of beverage cans also meet consumer needs in ways that no other packaging format can. Metal packaging is lightweight and convenient to carry, serve from and enjoy. It is durable, protecting the product within and maintaining its freshness. In addition, and critical to modern consumers: Cans are extremely sustainable and represent packaging they can feel good about.
No matter which part of the world you are in, the trend is the same: consumers are increasingly reaching for beverage cans. Here is a window into what is happening in some of 云顶集团糖果游戏’s key markets:
The Americas
North America Highlights
- Energy drinks, spiked seltzers, canned cocktails and flavored waters are poised for above-market growth.
Mexico Highlights
- Beer cans represented 80% of Mexico’s can market in 2021.
- The region continues to shift toward cans and away from returnable glass.
Brazil Highlights
- The country’s alcohol market continues to see a meaningful shift toward beer cans. It is anticipated that in 2022, 64% of beer will be in cans, versus 48% in 2015.
- This region remains a strong proponent and consumer of cans, with the market reaching a volume of nearly 90 billion cans and growing at a 4-6% CAGR.
- Increased awareness of metal and its sustainable attributes, along with off-premise consumption habits, are creating greater preference for the format.
- Consumers are also reaching for cans as they search for product variety and more premium, aesthetically pleasing custom can designs.
Southeast Asia
- Increasing household incomes and young populations, greater interest in sustainable packaging and growing demand for smaller serving sizes are all helping to drive the beverage can’s popularity in countries such as Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.